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Configuring Identities

Bunny REST Proxy supports ACL-style authorization via identities that are declared in the identities block of config.yml. Referencing a defined identity in publisher or consumer configuration will result in their corresponding HTTP endpoints requiring authorization via appropriate request headers containing identity name and token. Below is an example of identities block with two entries:

  - name: Bob
  - name: Alice
    token: SuperSecretToken123

Since unlike Alice's identity, Bob's doesn't supply a token, Bunny REST Proxy will attempt to read it from BRP_TOKEN_Bob environment variable at startup.

Referencing identities

Both publisher and consumer configuration blocks support identities key containing an array of authorized identity names. Below is an example of a single publisher granting access to its HTTP endpoint only to Alice:

  - queueName: json-with-auth
    contentType: json
      - Alice

In order to publish messages to the json-with-auth queue via HTTP POST requests sent to /publish/json-with-auth endpoint, the following request headers will have to be supplied:

  • X-Bunny-Identity: Alice
  • X-Bunny-Token: SuperSecretToken123